...to encourage the communication of English words, in singing and speech, with clarity, understanding and imagination...

The Catherine Lambert Junior Prize 2025
For young singers between the ages of 13 – 18
The Final - Sunday March 16th 2025 - St Paul's Girls School, Hammersmith
The Preliminary Round - Sunday March 2nd 2025 - Taggs Yard, Barnes
Deadline for entries - Saturday, February 22nd 2025
Entrants are encouraged to explore the vast wealth of material from five hundred years of song writing, prose and poetry, of writers and composers world-wide who employ the English language.
All songs must use the original English. English translations of original foreign words are not acceptable. Ideas can be found in the AESS Century of English Song – Volumes 1-10, details of which can be found at here.
The purpose of the AESS Junior Recital Competition, in accordance with the general aims of the AESS, is “to encourage the communication of English words, in singing and in speech, with clarity, understanding and imagination”.
Competitors are asked to present and sing a themed recital of classical ‘Art Songs’ with original English texts. (N.B ‘Art Songs does NOT include opera, oratorio, operetta or musicals). The integrated programme may include spoken links and must contain at least one piece of poetry or prose. The programme should not exceed 15 minutes in total. Candidates should provide their own accompanist.
The entire programme must be delivered from memory in both rounds.
The judges will give equal emphasis to the spoken and sung elements of the programme.
The competition is open to young singers resident in the UK and Ireland. Junior Conservatoires, Specialist Music Schools, Private and State Schools may nominate candidates. The competition is also open to students who are pupils of members of the Association and schools where there is a link with the Association.
Age Limit:
The prize is open to young singers who are aged 13 to 18 on or before the date of the final, Sunday March 16th 2025.
First Prize – £300 sponsored by Catherine Lambert
Second Prize – £200 sponsored by Catherine Lambert
Third Prize – £100 sponsored by Una Warnes
Speech Prize - £100 for the best spoken element sponsored by Lynda Morgan
Selected prize winners will be offered the opportunity to perform in the AESS’s Prize Winners Concert
Previouse Prize Winners
The competition will be in two stages.
Stage One:
There will be a preliminary round on Sunday 2nd March 2025. in London (Taggs Yard, Barnes). Judges will be drawn from members of the Association, who have not themselves submitted candidates. They will select a maximum of eight competitors for the final.
Stage Two:
The venue for the final is St Paul's Girls School, Hammersmith, London on Sunday March 16th 2025 from 2.00pm until 5.00pm. The winner of the competition will be offered a masterclass for their school or college from an AESS member in addition to the prize.
A nominal, non-refundable, entry fee of £15.00 is charged to cover administrative expenses. Entries must be made on the official forms provided and must be received no later than Saturday 22nd February 2025.
Previous winners of this competition are not eligible to enter a second time.
Feedback from the judges will be given to all entrants as soon as is practicable for both rounds.
The administrator for the Competition is Carolyn Richards, 29 Petersfield, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 4EP Tel. 07768 086 123. E-mail. CarolynWestrip@aol.com